31 October 2005

Well Nov 7 is drawing near, well thx you all, thx you Mediacorp for giving me so much nice wonderful experience, thx you all the camera man, lighthings man and sound man and all!!!! producers, assistant producers, Yjong Hua, Amy, Lynn, Avis, Angie, Eugene, Wei Liang, Cindy, Wei Ming, Linda, Glenn, Xiong Qiang and all of Mediacorp right down to the Canteen aunties and cleaners hehe well thank you all for giving me all the memories, it will be set deep in my heart all the advices.

What is ahead i am unsure but i would prepare for anything to come, may it be that i still have projects to do and can still be seen on screen or not i guess there is no choice even if i hold on till 2 years later when NS comes into my part of life =)

5 months have changed me, this pharse of my life was really great =) learned alot seen alot and heard alot, learning how to tolerate, to give in =) i never regret taking this competition just regret for not showing my best ... for alot this PS thing has already died hehe i hope for most of you it didn't. Well it won't come to an end this early because of the relationship of the 24 contestants.

Anyway school is starting soon, hehe well am i going to get more projects from MCS? or am i back to my old life after 1 year? hehe i am excited and also anxious to see... but at least i know that i have achieved a little something i can show to my sons or daughters next time hahaha (hey look pa pa was once alittle star hahahaha)

11:34 PM

22 October 2005

C cried the other day, C asked "When will we be happy? ... until we cut our own album???" well i told C to relax as this everything has just began, there is no 1 time success nor is there fame in a day. Well the competition has ended and we are already going our ways, no longer as a group, it is sad of course but it would have came even later, when will i find my day on the album cover? well i guess it's pointless thinking, i will have to just keep improving myself through this time, i am thankful for the experience in the competition as well as the love i received. I wouldn't have been so confident, or say have confidence. I guess everything is just a wall waiting to be broken through.... "Have you broke your wall to proceed further?" if it will let yourself progress why not???

2:13 PM

16 October 2005

Well just eant to say . . . i lost my hp. .... sad... nothing more already just say to my friends pls give me your number again ... thx

7:04 PM

11 October 2005

Well i am looking forward to each recording of SuperFunkies hehe so happy to see so many people still supporting us even still after Project Superstar =) but hopefully if each recording the crowd is as strong or even stronger it would be great, not only is there Stars from overseas like 5566, Mayday, Cai Chun Jia, JJ and more, but they will also will perform items that will never be telecast and also the host interaction and little song performances that also will not be telecast... well just hoping more people would come and also thanks for all who came to support us thx you =)

Well on how to get tickets to my events, visit "Home": foreverleon@yahoogroups.com


Contact Siew Lingnoel-le_on@hotmail.comto get your tickets Please include your name, contact number and indicate which episodes you wanna go.*Note* (Only Official Members are allowed, to register please send your particulars (Full-Name, Age, Contact Number) to noel-le_on@hotmail.com to be an official member of the fanclub.

Joining this FC will not cause any money, but by joining you will get privillages on event information and ticket priority =)

Last but not least Happy Birthday Siew Ling (FLFC Leader) thank you for helping me on taking care of the FC willingly thank you, i also hope that the FC will grow =)

12:54 AM